the bank next to a dry creek bed made up of river rock with cranes in the background A snag (upright dead tree) stands in the foreground of a wetland meadow with Port of Tacoma cranes in the background. A snag (upright dead tree) stands in the foreground of wetland meadow with Port of Tacoma cranes in the background. a dozer next to a dry creek bed made up of round river rock An aerial view of a creek winding through wetland. Snags (upright dead trees) and logs can be seen throughout the wetland area. streambed cobbles line the bottom of a dry creek bed round rock next to the roots of a log roots of logs line the curved edge of a dry creek made up of streambed cobbles pile of large round boulders in front of an excavator An aerial view of a creek running under a bridge and into a wetland area full of lupine and other wild plants. Snags (upright dead trees) can be seen in the wetland area. A creek disappears around a corner into a wetland. An aerial view shows Highway 509 and local roads juxtaposed with the creek meandering through the wetland.


Date: 2020-2023


The Lower Wapato Creek Habitat project restores the meandering stream and wetlands environment that existed in Tacoma prior to the 1960s. The project also replaces two culverts with a fish-passable full-span bridge.


2,100 tons of 6" Streambed Cobbles
1,260 tons of Custom Streambed Cobbles
1,140 tons of Streambed Sediment
590 tons of 4- to 5-Man Streambed Boulders
125 tons of CSTC
70 tons of Permeable Ballast
70 tons of CSBC
30 tons of Gravel Borrow


Washington Rock provided streambed cobbles and streambed boulders used for constructing the meandering streambed. In addition to producing our standard cobble mix, we created a custom cobble mix that matches the local stream environment. Our streambed products will provide habitat for fish and other aquatic species.

According to the Port of Tacoma website, the streambed restoration will help to expand and improve “rearing and foraging opportunities for juvenile salmonids.” It will also expand and improve “habitat for shorebirds, waterfowl, and groundfish.”

Read more about this project on the Port of Tacoma website.

Aerial photos by Joe Barrentine for the Port of Tacoma.