Every year, Washington Rock produces over 1 million tons of rock, sand, and soil products.
Most of what we find is not much different than what you would see in your yard. But every now and then, we’ll run into something interesting. Here are five of our most interesting finds.
Every now on then, we run into a pocket of crystals.

The crystals in the photograph range from hard and rock-like to powdery. The crystals pictured are possibly a type of zeolite.
Fool’s Gold
Chances are if you order a load of gravel, you’ll find flecks of Fool’s Gold on some pieces.

Sometimes we’re lucky enough to find large chunks of iron pyrite. Recently, we found several inclusions of iron pyrite that formed in perfect cubes.
Jasper is a gemstone that is sometimes carved to make jewelry or statues.

Most of the jasper we find is a brick red color and comes from our gravel pit.
Petrified Wood
Petrified wood is created when the organic wood material is replaced over a long period of time by minerals.

The result is a rock that looks like wood.
The pieces of stone in the jar come from agates that have broken apart and worn down over time.

Agates range from translucent to semi-transparent. You’ll notice a stone in the picture that is banded—this is a common feature of agates.
For more information about Washington Rock’s rock products, visit our Products page.